After two years of running my blog, traffic is continuing to grow, although my posting frequency has seriously deteriorated. However, I still intend to resist the temptation to post regular drivel and prefer the alternative of less frequent, but higher quality postings.
When is a Blog not a Blog?
Blogs come in all shapes and sizes, so what are the key elements that define a blog and how do you recognise one?
Learning to Blog or Blogging to Learn
Following the pain of setting up your blog, then begins the fun when you’re not learning to blog, but blogging to learn.
Writing Custom Summaries for RSS
RSS feeds alert users to your latest posts with short summaries, so why not optimise this summary to really entice readers?
RSS Feeds: Full Fat or Semi-skimmed?
The debate over the use of full or partial RSS feeds seems to rage on with no sign of abating, but what really is the difference?